Dream Job is a project to help job seekers find more about employers, and help employers to improve their brand.

The platform aggregates anonymous reviews about salary sizes, pros, and cons for each company, thereby forming an objective opinion.

Every person can choose information he is willing to share during the process of reviewing a company. Reviews are anonymous which helps to build trust and confidence.

If you don't leave a review - you can access only partial data about companies (just a few recent reviews, not all salaries stats). And if you have left the review - you can use the website without any restrictions.

Every review is checked by moderators before it can be seen on the site. It helps to filter spam.

The project has started as a small MVP project and continues to grow.

Employers can verify their accounts and get the ability to brand their page. Adding company banner, good description, additional information about the company - this all helps to improve the HR brand.

Verified companies can also answer to the reviews about their company. They can't edit or delete the review itself, of course, they can only post their opinion about it.

I joined this project from the beginning and have designed and implemented almost all of its features.

  • API for frontend - leaving reviews,list companies and reviews, search, authorization, etc...
  • Company representatives,  ability for specify a city during review and filter company stats by cities (initially there were no cities at all), company of the month, different stuff for SEO, and many more.
  • I have modified django admin to allow different roles - (moderator/ SEO specialist / company representative)
  • I also helped with setting up release process for staging and production servers using Gitlab CI and docker.

Used technologies:

Backend: django, django-rest-framework, dramatiq, pytest, and many more

Frontend: next.js