
This was an MVP mobile app to test the market.

App users go through a style quiz - they choose favorite colors, clothes sizes, what occasion they will need the clothes to, budget,  etc...  Based on their answers we show them the gallery of example images of different clothing styles. User likes/dislikes those examples in tinder-style (swiping left-right).

After all done the results go to professional stylists and they fit  pieces for the user's taste, size, and price range.

The user gets selected pieces to try on at home before buying. He can buy favorites and send back the rest.

Here are some pictures of this mobile app (it's not the final design but to show you the idea):

I have written a mobile application using react-native , helped to customize admin interface with react-admin, and also configured and implemented build and release pipeline with fastlane. This process saved me a lot of time on each release.

New versions were tested with Testflight for iOS and Play Store Beta channel capabilities for Android. After testing app was released in AppStore and Google Play Store.  

Used technologies

Mobile app: React-native, redux, react-navigation

Backend: Ruby-on-Rails, react-admin (for admin panel), postgresql

Fastlane for easier  code signing, beta deployments, and store deployments.