Then you have 2000+ employees from different cities it is common to spend some time finding the contact information of a colleague you desperately need to talk to.

To help with this problem were created a private phone book. You can select different cases you need to discuss and the system will show you the people responsible for this case.

For example your customer wants to know something about the spare parts of his CAT bulldozer. You just select the topic  - spare parts, select the brand - cat, and all you need to do is contact your colleague and ask him about it. You even have a button to start a phone call to your colleague straight from your browser using a corporate phone system.

The "PrivatePhoneBook" imports some data from other local systems and knows who is on vacation, etc..., so users get relevant and useful information.

  • You can search by region / name / email / phone number
  • You can search for different use cases (spare parts, hr department, new cars, used cars, leasing )
  • The system shows colleague status  and information (is he on duty today? is he on vacation? what position does he have in company?, ...)

My job was to integrate third-party sms service so users can send short messages for colleagues. Also I fixed different bugs and worked on improving search logic.

Used technologies:

Backend: django, celery, postgresql

Frontend: react