redis Redis tips I wish I knew earlier Talking about python redis package - connection pools, connections leaks, errors like: ConnectionError: Too many connections. Why to use BlockingConnectionPool and how to properly close Redis instance.
python_tips Fastapi, async SQLAlchemy, pytest, and Alembic (all using asyncpg) We'll explore the integration of FastAPI with the new asynchronous SQLAlchemy 2.0, Alembic for migrations, and pytest for testing. All of that with only asyncpg as our driver
python_tips Multistage docker build Problems with C extensions and shared libraries. You can't just copy virtual environment. I wrote a python script to search for system dependencies.
python_tips Creating abstract method How to create abstract method using NotImplementedError vs @abstractmethod
python_tips Mock's return_value & side effect How side_effect can change the behavior of you mocked method.
python_tips Django + Dramatiq + APScheduler My experiments with running background tasks on schedule.
python_tips Tilde `~` in python Recently I had looked at some piece of code and saw strange indexing - items[~index].